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Happy Sunday everyone. We are delighted to introduce Ashley Balding, the ultimate Atlas Insider. By day, Ashley is MDK’s all-powerful, all-knowing Ecommerce Manager. She knows where the SKUs are buried, what a “product assembly” means, and why one would need such a thing.  Ashley tried to keep her excellent, exuberant writing skills under wraps (cardboard Sta-Flat mailers, to be precise), but we got wise, and recruited her to contribute her unique perspective to this column. Welcome, Ashley!

—Ann and Kay


That is, If You Know You Know.

Here at Atlas we have clear boundaries to our sprawling space.

There is the front area upon entering with our VERY ALIVE AND THRIVING TREES DON’T QUESTION ME ON IT, as well as the set of rattan furniture from Ann’s house that I definitely have never taken a lunch nap on.

There is the massive block of shelving that is carefully laid out into aisles but somehow still feels like a corn maze. Instead of scarecrows, the shadows of DG and Nathan wisp around the corners, picking and packing orders.

There is the printing station with our giant fancy printer that does a lot more than print, but who has time to figure that out? Its real job is to spit out Hannah’s glorious visual creations at all times of the day … with which to adorn our bathroom walls.  #readingmaterial

There is the kitchen, aka what in the WORLD has Chris been up to since his alarmingly early arrival before most of us have even considered being a human. Sometimes he has cooked. Sometimes he has made a repair to an on-the-fritz fridge. Sometimes he has solved all of the world’s problems before ascending the stairs to the upper crust of our campus, or, The Art Department.

Ah yes, The Art Department.

The Art Department hovers in the mezzanine, over the desk clump that Allison, Ann, Kay (when she is Tennessee Kay), and I inhabit. We often hear mysterious footsteps, oddly large scrapes of furniture being tetris-ed to various corners of Chris’s photo studio (yes the same Chris who regularly chefs his way into our hearts), and cackles from Hannah’s slack-slinging cubicle. Have you ever heard a pin drop? I did today when Chris dropped a plastic bin full of clear push pins. They didn’t so much drop as clatter, and then disappear into the white floor amidst a sing-song of very appropriate language.

Perhaps the most popular Art Department zip code is The Craft Table. Um yeah, we do Crafts here.

Earlier this year as we began to do research for our Holiday Shop offerings, we would take samples up to The Craft Table and morph into the kindergarten versions of ourselves:

Allison: will win the game of Crafts; gets the gold star.

Hannah: never follows classroom rules; draws own gold star.

Chris: looks for harder ways to accomplish all Crafts; secretly gets gold star, too, but doesn’t want anybody to know.

Nathan: always first to finish Crafts; cannot be bothered with said stars.

Ashley (that’s me): follows all rules so she can gauge her perfection on a standard scale; would prefer a color coded star system to rank various abilities within Craft-making

DG: usually making fun of us from down below; is a Gold Star.

Regardless of stances on stars, The Craft Table has become our own little therapy zone amidst the spaceship that is the vast upstairs.

When things feel a little extra crazy, as they do most of the time these days, we steal away to The Craft Table to busy our hands and relax our minds. There is usually a lot of giggles, plenty of jabs at each other, and absolutely NO complaining. Somewhere between the tissue paper version of a fried egg (Hannah), an origami bird (Chris), an abandoned half-felted Moose (Allison), and a very unabandoned felted tick lovingly named Tick James (Ashley) is a sense of peace among the chaos.

It’s easy to forget that half of us regularly fall UP the stairs, not down, or that I almost daily fall out of my chair because my memory foam derriere cushion slides out from under me, when you’re caressing a felting needle the size of a Bic and jabbing it into whatever new creature that is just begging to be born out of that technicolor wool.

And if that’s not enough happy-making distraction for you, enjoy this bonus picture of my dog-potato, Rose—the eternal sunshine to any cloudy mood.

A Super Special Giveaway

On Saturday, November 13 at 12:30 p.m. EST, Kay and Ann will give the keynote address at Virtual Knitting Live, and thanks to Vogue Knitting Live, we’ve got a Knit One, Purl Two package to give away. The lucky winner of our drawing will receive two classes, one lecture, access to all shops in the Virtual Marketplace (our vendor session starts at 2 p.m. Saturday), and all Marketplace Extras for the entire event November 11–14.

How to enter?

Two steps:

Step 1: Sign up for our weekly newsletter, Snippets, right here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re set.

Step 2: Question—Which new-to-you needle art or fiber art would you most like to learn next? (It’s probably among the offerings at VKL!) Answer in the comments!

Deadline for entries: Sunday, November 7, 11:59 PM Central time. We’ll draw a random winner from the entries. Winner will be notified by email. Please make sure that the email where you receive Snippets is an address you check daily. If you are already registered for VKL, this prize is transferable.

About The Author

MDK Events Manager Ashley Balding can freestyle a wild Garter Stripe Shawl and build a spreadsheet that makes sense instantly of the messiest data set.


  • I’m keen to try Tunisian crochet. The stitches look so pretty.

    • Welcome, Ashley! I see that you are going to give DG a run for his funny money!

      • Indeed she is! Lol 🙂
        Welcome Ashley!

    • Rug Hooking! Wait, maybe wool appliqué. Wait again, how about spinning? Wait, maybe the last thing I looked at!

    • Rug hooking!!

      • Brioche

      • Embroidery on my plain knitting!

      • Spinning. Which means I see your wheel in the background. Rose’s eyes slay me.

        • Spinning! Inherited my mom’s spinning wheel which I never saw her use.

      • Rug hooking with yarn not strips. Needle felting is so much fun and EASY! I got tendinitis. You just poke wool roving until it looks like…something. Hurray for crafts!

      • Weaving…..a new way to play with color

        • Hello. I want to learn weaving, needle felting and tatting. Thank you for this opportunity!

  • Hi! I would love to learn brioche, mosaic knitting or something just as fun! Have never done VKL, so that would be a wonderful new experience. Thank you for the chance to possibly win.

    • Kumihimo, please

      • I didn’t know what that is so I looked it up and it’s beautiful. Now I’m with you, Lindy-I want to learn Kumihimo too!

  • Needle felting!!

  • Needle felting! Those critters are so cute!

  • I’d love to learn how to use a rigid heddle loom, and how to spin yarn!

  • Rigid heddle weaving

    • Hi Carol, rigid heddle weaving is fairly simple. if you buy a loom it comes with instructions. I have 3, I had to do something when I couldn’t knit for a while. I’ve made scarves, blankets and going to make some rugs for my new house.

  • Punch needle, buckets of needlepoint yarn to use!

  • I would love to try needle felting.

    • I would like to steek and also learn how to weave.

  • Yep, needle felting for me too.

    • Y’all live in an interesting alternate dimension – love the daily drop by. I’d love to learn embroidery…but, remain obsessed with knitting.

    • I’m in the needle felting gang too. Have the gear, (MDK goodies, ‘natch) but I’m not sure what’s next?! Tell me how! Save my fingers from ruin!

  • Needle felting-I was gifted the materials but don’t know how to begin!

  • Add me to the needle felting posse

  • I would love to learn how to crochet to make all those cute amigurumi I spy on Instagram!

  • Rug hooking with yarn

  • Learning how to make a (small) kilim would be swell.

  • Needle felting? I don’t even know what it is, but cute things happen!

  • I would love to learn how to knit lace. It seems so intimidating…..

  • Tunisian Crochet, for sure! It looks so much like weaving to me. Lord knows, I have the stash to supply it! .I would also love to experience Vogue Knitting!

  • I’ve got the basics down for double knitting but would like to learn to make prettier edges, tricks for even tension, and how to ladder down and fix mistakes in double knitting.

  • Rug hooking or Tunisian crochet. For those of you wanting to learn needle felting, using cookie cutters as shape molds is a great way to start.

  • Tatting. I have tried and given up many times. Maybe someone can pound it into my head before I decease. (I mean fall into the abyss). Thanks for the opportunity! I have never been to VKL or any fiber experience.

  • Brioche is at the top of my list!

  • Add me to the needle felting group. I would like to recreate some of my favorite photos with wool. My other fiber adventure would be to create fabric “yarn”.

  • I would love to be crochet proficient. Not just a chain fool, but an actual, confident granny square, crochet-a-blanket with thousands of leftover kinda fool (or, crafter!).

    • Me to! I would like to be able to more than finish off a edge with single crochet.

  • Needle felting is at the top of my list!

  • Needle felting!

  • Needle Felting-I’m seem so many amazing projects

  • I’d love to try wet felting

  • Wet Felting!

  • I am eager to explore needle felting with my granddaughter!
    I have already bought some balls to felt for a holiday project when she next visits.

  • Spinning, but realistically I don’t have room to store equipment for another craft!

    • I’ve two spinning wheels in my not-large-living-room. When not in use I call them conversation pieces or, art. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

  • I want to know how to felt so I can make a felted gnome!

  • Small to medium-sized weaving looms for small to medium-sized projects.

  • I would love to learn how to machine knit!

  • I would most like to learn needle felting to specifically make jewelry pieces!

  • Needle felting and brioche are on my “to learn” list. Which will come first hasn’t been decided.

  • My new and yet to be tried interests/curiosities are wool appliqué and needle punch.

    • Tunisian crochet is on my ‘give it a try’ list.

  • I would love to make a felted purse – or anything felted.

  • Needle felting AND Tunisian crochet – please don’t make me choose!

  • I’d like to learn to darn…that may sound boring, but I have been a sock knitter for a long time and figure this would be a skill to complement my knitting…

  • Firstly…welcome Ashley! You are INDEED a wonderful writer!
    Ok my fiber art skill I’d most love to learn, being a knitter is…crochet! I’ve always loved those funky retro granny square blankets but the crafting skills seem daunting to this brioche-stitchin tubular cast-on-in’, magic-loopin someday steekin’ lifetime knitter!

    • Sashiko for me

  • I would love to intern at an alpaca farm, help care for the animals and eventually spin up some of their very own yarn.

  • Sashiko Embroidery for repair purposes…. holes in old sweaters I made that I can’t bear to part with, that favorite pair of jeans that I fell down in while walking the dog and skinned my knee and ripped a hole in the fabric, and my hand knit socks when they wear out at the heel or my toe pokes through.

  • Needle felting is next on my to-learn list.

  • I already knit, spin, and weave, but to my shame I have never learned to crochet. (I’ve bought a few books and kits, but someone I can’t get the hang to where to put the hook to make the next stitch. Pretty sure it’s not as hard as I think it is?)

  • Learning about mosaic knitting would be on my list.

    • Color stranded work with more than two colors in a row is on my list!

  • Brioche knitting. I would also like to learn how to weave.

  • Embroidery

  • I would love to learn how to crochet!

  • I’m way overdue for learning brioche.

  • Sashiko

  • Brioche knitting, please!

  • Felting!

  • Tapestry weaving!

  • I’ve been wanting to learn Portuguese-style knitting for a while and some recent hand stuff makes now seem like the perfect time.

  • I would love to learn to spin my own yarn!

  • I would like to learn competent crochet.

  • Origami or needle felting. I have dabbled on both, but would like to become proficient.

  • Crochet for me!

  • I want to learn the ins and outs of circular sock machines! The math required to make a sock that fits feels like a fantastic challenge to me!

  • Brioche, spinning and wet felting (I’ve been eyeing hat shapers)

  • Welcome, Ashley! I’m also on board with color-coded stars! Have always thought I’d enjoy making those hooked wool rug/tapestry type things… forgive me for not having the name of the craft correct. Have not yet had my 3 cups of tea!

  • Thank you for sharing your writerly voice (and your sweet potato pup) with us, Ashley!

    The next knitterly challenge I’d like to tackle is stranded color work with more than two colors in a single row.

    • I’m working on learning to design circular yokes and would live any help I could get.

  • So many to choose but I think needle felting wins.

  • Needle Felting

  • For me it would be needle felting or spinning. . .

  • I want to learn to actually knit. More than the very basic skills I have to knit a very very basic hat.

  • Rose, you’re the cutest potato ever
    I’ve never been part of VKL but learning needle felting would be nice to learn and brioche my nemesis has kicked my butt so many times I need to bite the bullet and learn this yarnie witch craft
    Happy Halloween my knitting friends

  • Sock Heels 101: Which One, When and Why

  • Needle felting -I bought a knit more that a year ago and it’s collecting dust on my bedside table. I need a push!

  • I’d like to learn to do embroidery and bead work (like Kay’s Alabama Chanin skirt). To fuel my desire, I’ve seen a variety of drool-worthy knitted sweaters embellished with embroidery the past two years. As anyone who has tried to fix colorwork with a duplicate stitch or add features to a knitted stuffed animal can attest, there seems to be more to it than meets the eye.

    So many other good crafts mentioned before me. I too would love to learn more about embellished mending/darning.

    • P.S. cute dog photo! I love to see the pets of MDK.

  • Needle punch

  • After years of resisting, I really want to learn to spin.

  • brioche and weaving are both on my what do I want to learn next list…

  • I would love to learn to spin and weave. I was once told “it’s a slippery slope you’re on, and it all ends with sheep”!

  • Weaving on a table loom. Those floor looms are very daunting!

  • Brioche knitting!

  • I want to learn Portuguese knitting but also want to learn weaving and how to add beads to knitting. Really, I want to learn all of the things but Portuguese knitting is probably at the top of the list right now.

  • I would like to learn brioche knitting and creative mending/patching.

  • I’d like to learn needle felting.

  • I want to learn crochet. Any crochet classes would build on my very-limited skills. A knitter for decades, now retired so I have more time for craft, I am finally ready to develop crocheting skills.

  • I want to learn stranded colour knitting

  • Ooh, colour coded star system for the win!! What a cute doggo, our cat is also a potato, his name is Winston. Your home looks like somewhere I would feel comfortable too.

    I’ve never tried needle felting, but I think I would enjoy it if I had a class to force me to take the time to try it properly.

  • I would love to learn needle felting.

  • I would like to learn weaving. I have pot holders done pat and I am ready for a bigger loom.

  • I second everyone that has said Needle Felting. You made it sound like fun! Thanks for the prize and I hope whoever wins – enjoys VKL!

  • Felting

  • Weaving but I don’t have room in my apartment for any more hobbies! Maybe a loom I could put on the dining room table…

  • I would like to learn about spinning. And color pairing/combining.

  • I would love to learn brioche knitting.

  • Tunisian crochet please

  • Began needle punching this fall, would like to continue exploring color with that Craft once I finish the neverending double knit blanket,

  • Definitely learning to weave to use up my rando stash bits

  • Brioche knitting, please. And felting without a high agitation washing machine!

  • Needle felting would be wonderful to learn.

  • Would love to do needle felting…got a kit of stuff ready to start…when?

  • Spinning!

  • I would love to learn to tat. I remember my great grandmother doing it.

  • I’ve been itching to try needle felting!

  • I really want to improve my hand stitching abilities.

  • Hmmm. I am not sure there is a fiber art I haven’t tried — except maybe kumihimo, and bobbin lace making — and I feel no urge to learn those . . . I would like to be better at crocheting, though.

  • Long arm quilting!

  • In January I plan to improve my rusty crochet skills.

  • Brioche knitting

  • Rug hooking – although, I am not too sure I have enough time left. In my heart I just want to be a more skilled knitter

  • Loom potholders. OK, I’m pretty sure I learned this back in the ‘50s but every time I see the kit and the book in the MDK shop I want to try it again. So pretty! So functional!

  • Sashiko for me!

  • I would like to learn to weave and to quilt. I’ve got the basics of sewing down but feel overwhelmed by all the measuring and cutting involved in quilting…

  • Weaving on a loom, I have some supplies but am too intimidated to try.

  • Needle felting, Tunisian crotchet, Brioche, weaving… so much to learn!

  • Needle felting or Portuguese knitting. Keep hearing about them and sound interesting. But that means I have to stop knitting what I am doing……

  • I would like to learn spinning….because I need ANOTHER stash to overrun my house!!

  • My sister , that gifted me knitting needles and yarn, a helpful “how to knit “ book was A beautiful cross stitch artist. I’ve been thinking lately that I would like to walk down that creative road.

  • Weaving.

  • Tunisian crochet, brioche, or needle felting.

  • Some cool modern embroidery techniques would be interesting to try!

  • I’ll take Needle felting for 200, Ashley

  • Only one? Hmmm. Needle felting? Tunisian crochet? Brioche? I need to get out the dart board.

  • Getting, actually!

  • I already knit and crochet, and have done some needle felting, and I’d like to learn some other knitting styles, like Portuguese.

  • Wheel spinning, quilting, moving beyond basic crochet to master the grannie square.
    Your dog-potato Rose looks to be a wise sage and lovely company.

    • Revisit brioche again with a little more determination to master it.

  • Weaving

  • Needle felting as the critters are cute and I cannot possible thrum all the fleece…

  • I have always wanted to learn brioche and have loved my visits to NYC VogueKnitting Live! Can’t wait to get back!

  • Needle felting animal toys

  • Rug hooking and needle felting

  • I would love to learn two new things: crochet and brioche. I am left-handed, and crochet has befuddled me for years – which way do I wrap the yarn? I LOVE the look of brioche and am eager to learn this technique.

  • Speedy Speed Knitting! So I have some chance of using more of the contents of my Upstairs Mystery Room, where years of Happy Yarn Acquisitions are waiting their turn for needle love.

  • I would love to learn brioche knitting and spinning.

  • I’d like to learn how to crochet sheep!

  • I would love to learn several of the teachings offered – but my first choice would be centre out double knit medallions. Cheers!

  • Crochet or needle felting. But I’ll go with crochet. Can’t believe I never learned and there are so many great patterns!

  • I want to learn Hardanger embroidery.

  • Shashiko or needle felting.

    • I would like to learn Brioche, Tunisian and Rug Hooking.

  • Does visible mending count?

  • Punch needing, for sure.

  • Weaving. The learning curve looks so high though I know in reality I just need to take one bite of the elephant.

  • Locker hooking. Sort of a rug hooking technique.

  • I am fascinated with punch needle

  • I’ve done a tiny amount of spinning and weaving. Would like to be more proficient at both.

  • Spinning, although I’m afraid that I’ll love it. I don’t have enough time for fibering as it is!

  • I would love to learn needle felting too – and lace knitting – and two color Brioche, and, and, and….

  • Continental style knitting

  • I would love the learn to knit with a sock machine – but first I need a machine!

  • Crochet ans Tuscan crochet

  • Visible mending…. So I can repair all the hand knit socks that need repairs.

  • Rug hooking. And brioche knitting. Or maybe an accomplished crocheter. Did you say just one??

  • Needle felting to decorate my knitting.

  • Embroidery! So I can tastefully embellish all the knitting.

  • Needle felting and rug making would be fun. I’d like to learn to weave too but don’t have room for a loom.

  • Would like to learn double knitting. I have a patter and the yarn for a large shawl. Have had it a couple of years and would really like to see it completed by 2022.

  • Brioche- it looks beautiful!

  • I can needle felt little gnomes and animals, but want to learn how to do flat needle felting. And punch needle. And sewing (to use my weaving). And and and

  • I’d like to learn continental knitting. I hear it eases carpal tunnel wrists.

  • Brioche knitting and needle felting!

  • Crochet!

  • My spinner friends say that I should learn how to spin. But I am so open to learning anything like needle felting or weaving.

  • I really want to learn embroidery stitches beyond the running stitch so I can do more interesting visible mending.

  • Using a circular sock knitting machine.

  • I’ve had a spinning wheel for a few years, so I’d love to learn how to use it!

  • I love MTNLOU’s idea of using up all my needlepoint stash in a punch needle project!

  • Weaving…spinning…no, maybe rug hooking…how to decide!

  • Needlefelting

  • I would like to learn to weave with yarn.

  • I’d like to try needle felting again

  • I want to weave, but my home can’t hold any more crafting stuff, which means giving up something else. I refuse to let go of my mosaic making supplies, which I acquired before my knitting obsession. I mean, I get to retire in 15 years. I’ll build a craft studio, and do All The Things.

  • And figure out why i can’t Brioche

  • Hi! I would love to learn brioche knitting. Especially two color brioche! Thanks for the giveaway.

    • Brioche and steeking!

  • Brioche! Once and for all, I want to conquer brioche!

  • Add me to the rigid heddle group, please

  • Revisit brioche once again

  • I’ve been interested in the “slow stitching” craze. Such beautiful work. I used to embroider why back when…..
    I have a beautiful jean jacket that was gifted to me- made from discarded jeans, made in a kimono style. I’m getting up enough courage to embellish it.

  • Your description of the various approaches to crafting was hilarious. I’d love to learn weaving.

  • Weaving

  • I’ve got an Alabama Chanin t-shirt kit waiting for me. I’ve never done all that hand-sewing and embellishment stuff before. And I’ve wanted to for a long time.

  • Weaving would be interesting.

  • I would love to perfect my needle felting skills!

  • My family bought me a rigid heddle look for my birthday and I’ve become obsessed with weaving. Table runners, anyone?

  • I would love to learn how to loom weave fabric for table runners, placemats and maybe even shawls.

  • Felting!

  • Embroidery – my college roommate did beautiful hand sewing and embroidery and embroidered a pair of orange bell bottom jeans for me that I kept for 40 years then somehow tossed when I did a big clean up the last time I moved. I’d love to do something similar for me and for her. Also, sashiko embroidery for repairing as another commenter mentioned – that’s been on my list too

  • I would love to learn to weave, but I want a Tardis loom, one that’s bugger on the inside than the outside!

    • Bigger on the inside!

  • So many things! But since I already knit and crochet pretty proficiently, Tunisian crochet seems like a no-brainer.

  • Brioche for me too…and maybe steeking…and maybe stranded colourwork with lots of colours – decisions, decisions! Really enjoyed your post, Ashley.

  • Needle felting

  • weaving, please

  • I’m very curious about Portuguese knitting – looks like a comfortable way to knit!

  • Your little spider is so cute! I’ve been wanting to try needle felting creatures. Our LYS has created needle felted dragons!!! that are just adorable!

  • I would really like to learn the basics of weaving on a small loom.

  • Punch needle rug hooking is next on the “never enough time” list!

  • Pin loom weaving sounds like fun

  • Welcome to the public writing side, Ashley! Great read! And I am dying to dye!

  • Someone just asked me to help her needle felt …. Hmm….

  • I would love to learn brioche knitting. I’ve also been reading a lot about weaving, I just don’t know if I have the room for it.

  • Spinning! I was totally inspired at Rhinebeck:-)

  • Drop spindle spinning!

  • I would like to learn to crochet. I have taken a short class and it was not a success. I did a provisional cast on that worked for a scarf. Ha!

  • Sashiko has been on my radar for awhile…weaving seems a distant dream!

  • I’ve been wanting to explore weaving.

  • Currently I am fascinated with Twined Knitting and would like to explore and learn the technique.

  • I would love to learn how to spin.

  • Years ago I took a weaving class and thoroughly enjoyed it but it didn’t stick. Yesterday a friend asked me to recommend a weaving magazine for her to gift. Whilst looking at those publications I was reminded of the beauty and complexity possible in these handmade fabrics. I think it might be weaving…

  • It would be nice to know more about crocheting than being able to single crochet edgings around stuff.

  • I’d like to learn Tunisian crochet.

  • Ashley, welcome. Enjoyed your column!
    Needle felting. Looks so fun.

  • Tunisian Crochet for me, too.

  • My daughter gave me a needle felting kit for a penguin in the midst of this pandemic. I tried, I really tried, but it was to no avail. I returned it to her in the hopes it will be on the top of my Christmas package in December. So no needle felting for me. I gave a friend a potholder kit for Christmas last year. If I don’t receive a potholder from her at Christmas, I may ask for it back and attempt it myself.

  • Needle felting for me!

  • Steaking. I’ve been afraid of messing up.

  • Felting would be useful to learn

  • I want to learn how to spin!

  • I want to try rug hooking with a punch needle.

  • Brioche knitting!

  • Hi y,all
    Its about to snow here in central canada, on halloween (as ususl)
    My desire, free motion machibe sewing using roving and fabric, to create silly landscapes

  • I’d love to learn how to Tunisian crochet. What’s up with that long needle

  • I would like to go on a Forced Finishing March (i.e. gather some tips so I have confidence in my technique).

  • Weaving (spinning is a real close second)

  • I’d love to learn to weave

  • I hafta’ choose??? Well, okay. If I must choose only one, it would be Combining Fair Isle and Intarsia! My friends and I regularly discuss which is which.

  • I want to start spinning and weaving.

  • Crochet! Totally intimidated by those little crochet hooks but totally seduced by those adorable crocheted animals.

  • I’m not very creative. I think my right brain is atrophied. But I can follow directions. I’d like to learn a bunch of techniques and ideas for repairing and redesigning my old clothes into something fun snd interesting.

  • Either needle felting or Tunisian crochet

  • There isn’t much in the way of needle and fiber arts that I haven’t tried through the years; I’d like to learn Otomi embroidery and also revisit needlepoint (after 50 years) to complete a beautiful set of Nativity canvases that my mother didn’t finish. UFOs seem to run in the family, lol!

  • Double knitting and Portuguese knitting…. Because, why not?

  • Needle felting for sure! And seriously, this was the most inspiring post for me. Been a little ‘lost’ lately. Lots of yarn and fabric hanging around making me feel guilty when really it just wants to bring joy, happiness and success – even if what I create ain’t perfect. Thanks much!

  • I think the Loom potholders is the most challenging craft my brain can handle these days. Short attention span!

  • I’ve just taken up machine sewing, which has always intimidated me despite home ec class eons ago. I’ve had 6 classes and completed 2 projects, which I find amazing. Maybe there’s hand stitching (embroidery, sashiko) in my future.

  • Welcome, Ashley! I’ve tried a bunch of things, but hairpin lace is on my list for next taste of fiberart.

  • Rug tufting. If you have not hear of it, look it up. It’s like painting, or maybe tattooing (former tattoo artist), with wool. Fascinating.

  • I really enjoyed your article, Ashley! I would like to learn the needle art of being able to knit a little faster than I do.

  • I know we are supposed to pick just one, but I have three. I would love to learn spinning, weaving, and needle felting.

  • Weaving! I’ve played around with it and took an intro rigid heddle workshop. This goes way back to my mom, who was quite crafty but now is mostly about reading and playing the piano, who had a floor loom in our “dining room” when I was a youngster and made hella pillows and wall art, but I was too young to be trusted with it and that complex device has been packed up in pieces since the 1980’s moving to all their homes in its box (very on trend she became a professional with kids and no time for handcrafts). Since I spoke up and asked for it, I have dreams of weaving a beautiful throw on it after I retire and learn to thread it.

  • Sashiko embroidery. Lots of things to mend.

  • Felting

  • Tatting…… I have my mother in law’s bobbins.

  • Rug- hooking!

  • I think spinning is next for me by process of elimination— I’ve done all the other needle and fiber arts I’m aware of (with wildly varying success)

  • felting creatures to live with me would be divine.

  • Needle felting… I understand you can make minor repairs to knitted garments this way.

  • I would love to learn to knit jewelry with fine gauge wire.

  • Felting!

  • What a good read Ashley! Thanks.
    Steeking, mosaic knitting, and darnit(!) I wish I knew how to fix socks or other knitted items with holes.

  • I recently saw some cute hand felted critters at a WNY fiber festival. So cute, I liked to learn that hand felting.

  • I would like to try weaving without a big investment.

  • Intarsia, please. I want to knit a Kaffe Fasset project to be proud of!

  • I want to learn needlepoint.

  • I’d love to tackle crochet. I can make a chain, but after that all hell breaks loose! My simple squares are simply NOT simple!

  • Felting and steeking. Can’t wait to start my Kiki Marino Rug Kit!!

    • Kiki Mariko

  • Needle felting!

  • I’d like to learn how to add needle felting to a knitted wool project!

  • Needle felting !

  • Crochet, I think… but it seems confusing to me – I usually give up very quickly and go back to my knitting. I had no trouble teaching myself to knit…what is it about crochet?

  • Crochet

  • I would like to learn rug hooking and needle felting along with brioche knitting.

  • Weaving.

  • Sashiko stitching. Primarily for mending purposes, starting with some favorite jeans. Less for the landfills.

  • Card weaving. Definitely card weaving for a guitar strap. Then I’ll learn to play guitar

  • I would like to learn tatting. I know a tiny bit, practiced literal decades ago, and would like to relearn it in the copious time I have between knitting projects, she says not at all seriously.

  • Rug hooking!

  • Needle felting

    • Tunisian crochet!

  • My bucket list is learning brioche!

  • Crochet! I mean what is my excuse at this point? I need to learn already!

  • Weaving!!! I was gifted a 32 inch Kromski Harp Rigid Heddle Loom that I have been too intimidated to try yet!

  • I want weave!

  • Would love to learn how to make wool saddle blankets. VK live sounds fantastic!

  • Crochet, I try everything I hear about, but I’ve never learned to crochet.

  • Crochet (not truly new, but forgotten).

  • Four years ago, I added rigid heddle weaving to my fiber craft repertoire and though I don’t have the time to do all the weaving let alone all the knitting projects that are collecting around me, I would love to try shaft loom weaving.

  • Tatting, Box Loom weaving, Inkle Loom weaving, Card weaving, knitting one sock inside of the the other, sprang. I have done some of these though would like a broader scope and contemporary supplies/suppliers.

  • Tapestry weaving & spinning,. I keep revisiting these 2 crafts. Ahh someday the right class will come along.

  • I would love to learn Brioche – it totally intimidates me!

  • I would like to learn brioche knitting –really learn it! so I can continue to do it…plus I would try my hand at felted small dolls or animals (like for a holiday decoration) I have done no felting–(except felting thirited sweaters)

  • Felting

  • I would like to take a stab at needle felting.

  • Bargello. Rose makes me smile

  • Even though I need another fiber/needle craft like a need another hole in my head ( as my dear mother used to say), I am intrigued by rug hooking.

  • Sashiko embroidery”l , and maybe another go at real crocheting (instead of my made-up version)

  • I’d like to work on needle felting toys – looks like fun!

  • Oh a new craft! Actually I would much rather expand some of my knitting skills. I have a hard time with brioche and would like to learn that.

  • Rug hooking and needle felting. Plus how to craft more hours in the day to pursue them!

  • Embroidery or brioche are 2 things I would like to learn.

  • Mosaic knitting has been on my list for awhile, but Sashimi also looks intriguing.

  • Needle felting and brioche are in line for me. I bought a little needle felting kit years ago, and just haven’t done anything with it – it seems a bit daunting.

  • I would love to learn lace making, crewel embroidery revival, creative weaving. There isn’t a fiber craft that I wouldn’t love. Thanks for asking.

  • Punch needle embroidery. I had a kit when I was young a loooong time ago but it seems to be having a resurgence with better tools so I’d like to give it another try!

  • Drop spindle or Mayan hand spinning is on my to do list.

  • I’d like to learn embroidery. My grandmother tried to teach me one summer, but that was a thousand years ago, and she’s gone now.

  • Wool punch embroidery!!!

  • Learn to correct mistakes in brioche knitting!

  • Naalbinding!

  • Weaving – definitely weaving. But can I fit a look somewhere? Definitely. Because all spaces magically adjust themselves to accommodate more fibre things.

    • Edit the above to say, “..can I fit a LOOM somewhere.” (That’ll teach me to proofread BEFORE I hit “post.”)

  • I’d like to learn embroidery so I can embellish knit projects.

  • Machine knitting! I’d love to be able to crank out some simple hats for shelters.

  • Color and design

  • Brioche!

  • Needle felting sounds delightful! Inspired by the spider you made Ashley!

  • Needle felting looks fun and fascinating.

  • I would love to try rug hooking!

  • Steeking….

  • doubleknitting

  • I’m hot on the trail of eco-printing after a lecture at the last VKL; I’m knitting a plain vanilla shawl to dye with leaves from the trees in my yard (waiting in the freezer). And I have all the materials for Swedish weaving at the ready…hoping for a class to appear soon.

  • there is a WORLD of embroidery out there

  • Definitely want to learn Tunisian crochet.

  • Definitely brioche

  • Weaving on a rigid heddle loom. I’ve had one for years and years and YEARS, but it has been a wall ornament that has never come down off the wall. IT IS TIME.

  • Felting for sure. Never been brave enough to try

  • Needle felting, but not until I retire, my brain cannot handle anything new right now!

  • Weaving!

  • Macrame.

  • Fairisle knitting with steek has frightened me for so long. Would love to learn and try.

  • Sashiko mending. Definitely need this to fix some jeans with holey knees.

  • Sashito on indigo.

  • Needlefelting. Tried most others… (emphasis on “tried”)

  • Natural dyeing!

  • the Steak. plus adding a zipper to a knitted pattern; I don’t sew (mostly)

  • Such a fun read!
    I definitely want to learn Tunisian crochet. It incites my curiosity, with great looking fabric which is clearly created by magic wand.

  • Rug looking looks interesting!

    • Rug HOOKING! I love autocorrect

  • Weaving!

  • I would love to be able to make some mittens by nålbinding. I have several excellent books on the technique but never get very far. How could Bronze Age people figure it out without any books or videos? Why can’t I?

  • I want to learn mosaic knitting

  • Weaving!

  • Rather than another needle/fiber art, would just like to build my knitting skill set…starting with stranded color work.

  • I think I would love to try Tunisian crochet, I’ve seen a few projects I really love.

  • I’ve wanted to learn rug hooking for years. One of these days I’m taking a class!

  • Nalbinding. It’s what you do instead of knit or crochet if you’re a Viking. I’m trying to learn from videos but no luck so far

  • Weaving. It’s fascinating to watch two colors of yarn turn into a third color!

  • Weaving or spinning.

  • Put me in the Sashiko group!

  • Welcome Ashley! Your sweet potato pup Rose us adorable! Your writing is lovely and I would love to get in on those crafting sessions sounds like so much fun!! Plus a great way to unwind and get back to the basics (no tech, no phones, no gadgets that go beep no TVs either or gaming consoles) just having fun talking and laughing and making something from nothing!! The more giggling the better!
    Now as to the question hmmm I’d have to say needle felting, learning to spin and make my own yarn is up there on my craft bucket list but I am also very intrigued with the sick knitting machine!
    Thank you for your article I could picture what you were saying as you went along!

  • I’d like to learn Tunisian crochet

  • Potholder loom. I vaguely remember having one as a kid but haven’t seen one for years. Would love to get reacquainted so I can teach my grandkids.

  • Spinning

  • All the Japanese stitching and embroidering technics. There just amazing and I wish I knew how to do them.

  • I would love to learn spinning.

  • Needle felting and definitely creating animals

  • I’d like to try needle felting

  • I’d love to learn needle felting

  • Brioche!

  • Tatting

  • Nice Job Ashley, add me to the needle felting heap!

  • Needle felting!

  • I made one small foray into rug hooking several years ago and would like to try more….and dyeing with natural plants.

  • I would like to know more about weaving.

  • Shibori knitting…it’s beautiful and intriguing.

  • Spinning!

  • I’ve been drawn to rediscovering potholders;(ones I got from you all) and design something with them. Or combining embroidery with mending methods I’ve been seeing.

  • Next – weaving!

  • I would like to learn how to needle felt.

  • I want to try sashiko stitching.

  • I’m thinking about personalizing simple pieces of clothing with embroidery to make them special.

  • There isn’t one, I have an entire list. Temari balls, punch needle, brioche knitting, needle felting… The list goes on and on.

  • Fair isle knitting please and thank you!

  • Considering learning to crochet, since I am such a slow knitter!

  • Weaving. I’m a super beginning but would love to do more of it.

  • Rug hooking. It really is yarn art.

  • I would like to learn how to make bobbin lace.

  • I would love to learn to do Tunisian crochet.

  • Temari

  • Still want to learn stranded knitting!

  • Rug hooking!

  • I’d love to learn weaving, but am afraid I’d like it too much and gain another craft for which I don’t have time! But I’m going to try pin-weaving tomorrow at my knitting guild!

  • I’m deeply intrigued by the needle punch (I think that’s what it’s called?) crafts. It looks easy, but I’m sure that’s misleading. I have the idea that I want to needle-felt too, but I suspect that like many free-form arts, my ideas will be grander than my ability to execute……..

  • I’ve always been curious to try needle felting…It is in my future – I can feel it. 🙂

  • There are so many I like to learn next..I have dabbled in dying my own yarn but I want to create a shawl from dye lots from scratch to finish..I just get so confused when I try it on my own..

  • Would love to try needlepoint!

  • I want/need to learn colorwork! There are so many gorgeous sweaters, hats, mittens, etc. that are stranded!

  • I would like to try weaving.

  • brioche! it defeats me evety time!

  • I’ve been drooling over embroidery samplers for a couple of years now. I keep dangling it as my as-soon-as-I-finish-grad-school present to myself!

    Same goes for knitting retreats and getaways.

  • I just found a kaffe fasset book on needlepoint ? tapestry? in a charity shop. And now NEED to make a cushion cover with a picture of a cabbage on it.

  • I would like to learn double knitting

  • I will settle for color coded star of indecisiveness in the needle arts (and crafts!) — It would be altogether easier to pick one or two that I’m not so jazzed about trying — like bobbin lace which looks cool but would require new and improved eyes and with current supply chain issues…

  • Rug hooking for me too! But where would I find time??? So many beautiful sweaters to knit…. oh wait – winter in coming : )

  • Weaving!!

  • Weaving (table top loom or smaller) and spinning.

  • I would love to see kumihimo designs, how-to’s

  • I have tried, but never gotten good at, spinning. It would be lovely to be able to do that and take my projects much more from start to finish (‘cuz I realize that taking them all the way would involve me owning a sheep or other fiber-producing animal, and I’m not ready for that just yet…).

  • Pattern design would be my favorite class

  • Hello lovely MDK community! I would love to learn how to make felted ornaments and how to wool appliqué.

  • I would like to learn how to crochet!!

  • Embroidery looks fun!

  • I’d love to quilt

  • I want to learn brioche knitting

  • Needle felting little animals

  • Tunisian Crochet!

  • I would love to learn more advanced crochet

  • I’ve been wanting to learn weaving. Another way to use my stash.

  • I’d love to learn more crochet. And more about color theory!

  • I own a small weaving loom, but don’t really know how to use it. Brioche knitting is also on my list.

  • I have thrumming on my list, but I think I’d love to learn to dye someday.

  • Would love to learn needle felting

  • Brioche and mosaic would be good.

  • I would most like to learn weaving next.

  • Tunisian crochet is something I want to learn next.

  • I would like to learn loom weaving and spinning.

  • Embroidery

  • Weaving!

  • Tunisian crochet!

  • Portuguese knitting!

  • I would like to learn nalbinding and fancy rigid heddle weaving.

  • I would love to learn how to felt! I’ve been knitting fir 40 years and have never felt. And I’d love to be at Stitches Live, but couldn’t afford it. Thanks much!!

  • I would love to learn how to spin yarn. My mother-in-law used to have a spinning wheel. I wish I knew what she did with it when they moved.

  • I would love to finish a brioche project. I have started a few, but got frustrated. Also, I want to knit socks. I have never done that.

  • I would love to learn double knitting to create a two layer fabric to make super warm mittens for my Alaska and northern Montana daughters

    Barbara Tabbert

  • I would like to learn both crocheting and needle felting.

  • Double knitting.

  • I very recently obtained a vintage Pfaff knitting machine, which was purchased and held for me by a friend outside of Innsbruck and flown home as checked baggage in a home-custom-made bag! So machine knitting is the new-to-me craft I’m trying to learn. I’ve done some swatches, but nothing that I could actually wear yet

    Who knew there were so many stupid mistakes I could make on a relatively straightforward machine? … or at least that’s how it appears at first.

  • Rug hooking. My cold toes keep begging me.

  • I’m wanting to learn felting so that I can create some cute little creatures.

  • Definitely want to learn Alabama Chanin style stitching and reverse appliqué. I missed a golden opportunity at Shakerag a few years ago. Silly me.

  • I would love to learn needle felting! There are so many cute things to make.

  • Spinning so when I ply it is smooth and fingering weight

  • For a while now I’ve been really interested in trying to spin my own yarn.

  • I’d love to learn Tunisian crochet the weaving effect looks amazing. Also to experiment with continental style of knitting, I’ve tried it by myself but would love to learn in a class.

  • I would love to learn brioche!

  • I’d love to learn more finishing techniques.

  • Tunisian crochet!

  • Needle binding or nalebinding

  • I would like to learn how to knit while adding beads. Bought some supplies once, but haven’t had the confidence to try it yet.

  • Jogakbo (a Korean quilting technique) would be next for me.

  • I would love to learn spinning or felting

  • I did say spinning the I read the other comments. Now I want to learn how to use the Rigid Heddle loom, and how to Braid the Kumihimo way

  • I’d love to figure out the drop spindle I bought a few years ago!

  • Rug hooking or crochet.

  • I would love to really learn how to needle felt.

  • Tatting

  • I’d love to learn more about punch needle.

  • Weaving would be fun!!

  • Broche crochet please.

  • Would like to learn needle felting.

  • I would like to try needle point.

  • I want to learn all about marling! (Although I could really use a class on neat and proper finishing techniques!)

  • Felted appliqué embroidery so I can learn the stitches and use them on my hand knits.

  • Maybe double knitting. It sounds simple, but so warm.

  • I’d like to learn crochet or weaving next! Thanks so much 🙂

  • rug weaving on a rigid heddle loom

  • Rug hooking

  • Spinning….on a SPINNING WHEEL!! I’ve mastered the drop spindle and now want to get on with spinning MORE yarn FASTER!

  • So many happy things! Learning to spin is one thing on my list that I am eager to learn. Add that to Rug Hooking with wool strips and garment sewing. 🙂

  • I would love to improve my lace k itting

  • Basketweaving

  • Weaving!

  • weaving — how better to use up extra yarn?

  • Crochet

  • I would like to try needle felting.

  • Crochet. I kind of know the basics but a lot of it frustrates me and I’d benefit from a lesson or two.

  • 3D Needle felting

  • I’d love to advance my spinning skills. I’m such a beginner.

  • I’d love to learn punch needlework.

  • I have two I’m itching to try: Latvian braid knitting and rigid heddle loom weaving. Must learn all the things!

  • Embroidery

  • Macramé looks like a fun craft

  • I look forward to learning embroidery … to embellish my knitting.

  • Spinning fiber. I’d love to make my own unique yarn

  • embroidery on my knitting.

  • Spinning. My mothers spinning wheel stares at me in my knitting room and I haven’t dared to jump in and try it. I remember her spinning and weaving and how she enjoyed it. She taught me to knit. Fond memories!

  • Brioche, I love the way it looks but have been a little timid to try.

  • I would like to felt. the flat way not with a needle

  • I’d love to learn weaving.

  • I am thinking about trying some colorwork. I haven’t tried it because I am a tight knitter and puckering is likely!

  • I’d like to learn more about embroidery for knitted objects. I like how it adds texture and color!

  • I would like to try crocheting next. I already know how to knit.

  • I would love to learn felting.

  • I thought I might be the only one who wanted to learn to needle felt! I see I’m in good company.

  • Embroidery. I love the idea of creating pictures with thread!

  • I would love to learn tunisian crochet!

  • Needle felting to make mini animals

  • I’d like to learn Tunisian crocheting. But do I need to learn how to crochet first? I’ve taken exactly one class and I found that… challenging.

  • I am an intermediate knitter, and next, I would really like to feel comfortable with crochet. I can single crochet, maybe double… but I’d like to feel comfortable with all the stitches and really learn to read crochet patterns. There is something freeing about crochet.

  • I’ve got to start felting baby animals.

  • I would love to make the some of the interesting thing that Needle Felting has to offer.

  • 2 colour cables sound fascinating!

  • Needle felting and Tunisian crochet!

  • Felting

  • I would love to learn Steeks. It frightens me to cut perfectly good knitting!

  • I really want to expand my skills in machine knitting.

  • I would love to crochet and needle punch and dye yarns naturally! Endless, lifelong learning ❤️

  • i would like to re-learn spinning. Meditative crafts are so soothing, especially in the dark days of winter.

  • I have only done color work in the round so I would like to try it in flat work with knitting and purling.

  • Thank you for all you do and all the fun you share! I would love to win your amazing giveaway prize!

    • Oops…forgot to say….I would love to learn to spin!

  • Needle felting! Blows my mind how little creatures emerge….

  • I would like to learn about rigid heddle weaving.

  • Fair Isle knitting intrigues me! I’d like to learn how to knit using both hands to carry the yarn so I can attempt it.

  • Brioche

  • Thanks to VKL over the last eighteen months of pandemic virtual classes I have finally become proficient at crochet! It was my nemesis for YEARS so I am forever grateful. I’d love to learn more crochet skills, especially fun project-oriented classes. I’m registered for one next week and am really looking forward to it!

  • Would love to learn something I haven’t heard of yet! I’m open to new experiences in the world of fiber arts.

  • My next fiber yearn to learn is using an inkle loom.

  • Stranded color work. For me, it’s all about the color.

  • Punch needle and brioche. Would also like to learn to build a database!

  • I’d love to try dying bare yarn as well as re-dying yarn that I have in my stash that I don’t love the color of anymore.

  • I’ve been watching videos of rug tufting, and I’d love to try it. It looks super fun! You’re essentially target practicing with a gun full of yarn bullets!

  • Embroidery on my knitting projects. I do both separately, but have not combined them yet. For some reason that makes me nervous!

    • I’d like to do embroidery on knitting projects.

  • Needlefelting

  • I want to learn intarsia. There are some kitty socks I want to knit for my cat-obsessed granddaughter. I tried it on a small piece, but really didn’t like the results.

  • Weaving!

  • Natural dyeing

  • Mosaic knitting for sure. Looking for a beginner pattern now!

  • I really want to learn weaving!

  • Punch needle for sure. I love the look of the pieces I’ve seen produced with a punch needle, but have resisted to ensure I make my Christmas knitting deadlines.

  • i would like to try steeking a sweater!

  • Maybe this doesn’t count but I would love to learn to sew with my machine. I can do basic repairs but I’d really like to feel confident about putting in a zipper or making a buttonhole or sewing stretchy fabrics or any of 100 skills people with sewist mothers and grandmothers can do with their eyes closed.

  • I’m very interested in learning to make Baltic Braids (though I see that class already sold out ). But hopefully a “winner” can squeeze in. I love all the Baltic designs and especially the braiding that seems to add a lovely finishing touch.

  • Crochet!

  • I would really like to learn mosaic knitting!

  • sashiko embroidery….

  • More knitting techniques! I am getting to be a proficient and fearless knitter, just finishing my first top-down colorwork sweater but I have yet to try brioche and whatever else is out there! Also, I wish I was able to sew. I would love to make my own clothes that are unique to me and both fit perfectly and suit my personality!

  • Punch needle looks interesting or something with yarn that’s easier on the hands

  • I would like to learn how to knit and purl stranded colorwork with more than two colors. I have a current project that is going to require me to do this very soon, yikes!

  • Needle felting.

  • Pinwheel scrap bkanket

  • I’d like to learn Brioche knitting. Thanks to MDK for the chance to win a ticket to the Vogue Knitting Live event.

  • Spinning! Just waiting a few years until I retire and I can devote time to learning it.

  • I would love to learn how to attach beads to my knitting

  • I would love to learn crochet. My mother has crocheted for many years and insists it’s easier than knitting. I feel exactly the opposite — knitting is second nature but I’m absolutely hopeless with a crochet hook! I think crochet is beautiful, so I hope I’ll eventually be able to get it.

  • Weaving! My grandmother had a loom but we lived far apart and I was not able to spend time with her to learn this skill. It would be so neat to carry this tradition forward.

  • Brioche knitting!

  • Steeking; if that’s not ‘new’ enough because it’s a knitting technique, then spinning.

  • I’d like to learn Brioche, once and for all. And how to warp my rigid heddle loom.

  • weaving

  • I would love to learn felting

  • I would like to make a finnish mobile, Himmeli, out of straw!

  • I am super interested in rug hooking, which I’ve only barely dabbled in!

  • Yarn dyeing. I would love to learn how to achieve specific results, like tonal, self striping, ombre, etc!

  • Embellishment on knitted and crocheted stuff

  • I’m a long-time knitter and teacher of knitting. I think I’m ready to tackle weaving!

  • I’ve been wanting to learn brioche stitch in knitting. This might be my big chance!

  • Spinning! I love touching yarn so much, so why not spin the yarn I knit with?!

  • Crochet for beginners would be great. Specifically I would like to be able to make toys. Thanks

  • I need to steek!

  • Shasiko Embroidery on my knits sounds intriguing. Thanks,

  • I’d like to learn how to up my sewing game.

  • How to do needle felting without constantly stabbing myself.

    PS. Rose really looks like a dog/potato clone – what a sweetie!

  • Needle felting is next on my list for fiber fun.

  • I would love to learn spinning. So many fun fibers!

  • Tunisian crochet or needle felting!

  • Love to learn some “slow stitching “ , although with my mobility everything is “slow” these days lol.

  • I would love to finally figure out how to needle felt and then make myself a few knitting friends.

  • I’d like to learn how to knit Amigurumi.

  • I’m fascinated by both amigurumi and needle felting. The creation of tiny magical beings from wool and perhaps a bit of floof to fill them is high on my crafting wish-list! I’m constantly swooning over the latest cuteness from Mochimochi Land…

  • I was going to say rug hooking, which I do want to learn, but the comments mentioning Tunisian crochet have me deeply intrigued. So that, too!

  • I am very excited to try rug hooking and I bought. kit with a loon on it at Rhinebeck so I hope to get started on that this winter!

  • I’ve just signed up for a loom weaving wall hanging class, and am so inspired to learn how to,use some of my most precious wool, hand spun and funky roving to make cool wall hangings!

  • I’d like to learn about brioche work.

  • I still want to become a competent spinner – someday!

  • I would like to learn how to crochet. I’ve done a tiny bit, but still don’t really consider myself a crocheter and there are some patterns I would love to be able to try.

  • I would like to learn brioche.

  • I’m not sure whether my next challenge will be Tunisian crochet or tatting! (Though I could just, I don’t know, actually work on my spinning.)

  • I would love to try loom weaving.

  • I want to learn double knitting. I also want to make a traditional fair isle cardigan, steeked. There are too many things that I want to knit. Even though I want to learn weaving and rug making, needlepoint and more, at my age, I need to stick to one or two crafts. Therefore, I plan to learn more knitting techniques and then sew when my knitting muscles need a break.

  • I would like to re-learn weaving and learn needle felting.

  • Punch needle seems incredibly cool, but I really want to learn to sew my own clothes and knitting project bags.

  • I would like to learn dyeing for yarn.

  • I am curious about Japanese knitting and Portuguese knitting.

  • Spinning. I hear it’s meditative. My efforts thus far have not reached the meditative level – just need a little help here!

  • Weaving

  • I would like to learn two color brioche and tackle a Stephen West design.

  • Needlefelting bowls and animals, or maybe a wall hanging? I have tried flat needlefelt but have no clue how to expand my skills.

  • Tunisian crochet because it looks so elegant in process and has such beautiful tools…and of course it makes lovely fabric…..but the tools….

  • I want to try felted knitting and am looking forward to jumping into the new Kiki Mariko rug kit I just ordered!

  • I have decision paralysis about whether to learn to weave or to spin! So i just cast on another knitting project.

  • Needle felting!

  • I would love to strengthen my crochet skills.

  • I’d like my next needle art will be embroidery, in aid of knitting decoration and pretty visible mending with extra flair❣️

  • I’d love to learn two-color cables. I have no worries knitting cables in general but I find two-color ones very intimidating!

  • I’m interested in learning how to make felted jewelry… pins especially. I think I Have allthe supplies on hand. Just need the nerve (and the time) to get started. ready, set, go.

  • Needle felting or Brioche knitting.

  • I’d love to learn punch needle rug hooking! My friend’s mother-in-law creates amazing rugs that I’m completely in awe of!

  • Id like to learn brioche

  • Needle felting art – little animals that actually resemble the chosen animal & not something from back in 2nd grade!!

  • Needle tatting – my mom used to do that, and I’d love to learn how.

  • Weaving!!

  • Does making clothes count if I can already sew? I’ve simply never sewn something one could wear and would love to learn. I tell people I sew things one can use and knit things one can wear. Felting seems magical though, and meditative. I’d love to learn that! And how to knit a sweater.

  • I’m a bit tired of having the same answer to this question. It’s brioche. I’m tired because I keep planning on learning but haven’t dived in yet. Oh, procrastination!!!!

  • If I had room I would love to learn dyeing… or weaving… or both

  • I would like to learn to do weaving.

  • I wanna HELIX!!!

  • sometime I want to learn to make Dorset buttons.

  • Well, I tried to learn Tunisian Crochet with a pandemic brain and it didn’t take at all. I’m sure I could master this mystery with a bit more help. It’s crochet but with a long hook and many loops but then they all go away. Magic I tell you, total magic.

  • Spinning! The process has always been so intriguing to me!

  • Needle felting; I’d like to be confident enough to felt a steek so I can make the beautiful day tripper cardigan with confidence. Knitting skills—check. Needle feeling—unchecked.

  • Embroidery

  • At rhinebeck I bought a rug hooking kit. So I am going to try to hook a loon!

  • Gotta be needle felting. Intrigued, but intimidated.

  • Needle felting and rug hooking.

  • I’m with Tisha. Embroidery on my knitting!

  • I would like to explore knitting with unusual materials such as wire or strips of fabric.

  • I want to learn punch needle.

  • I would love to learn punch needle, it looks so satisfying and think of all the pretty pillows that could be made!

  • Portuguese knitting, for sure!

  • Spinning is next on my list. I think it would be a nice meditative process.

  • Embroidery with Natalie Chanin specifically.

  • Bobbin lace.

  • I’m another one for learning needle felting.

  • I’d love to learn how to spin!

  • Dorset buttons

  • Felted critters

  • Spinning on a Portuguese spindle and weaving on a triangular Loom

  • Needle felting would be fun to try!

  • Weaving. NO, spinning. Weaving or spinning?
    Wait, make that embroidery next!

  • I’d love to learn Tunesian crochet for sure!

  • Spinning! I sigh in admiration over the handspun yarns I see on IG. Pure magic!!!

  • Needle felting so I can make some cute little critters!

  • I would really like to learn to needle felt. I can do flat projects but I want to be able to make 3D objects.

  • Wheel spinning is next.

  • Weaving. Yeah, it’s a dream!

  • Needle punch looks interesting to me. I’d love to give it a go!

  • I’ve always wanted to learn to tat!

  • Brioche knitting tops the list. Then weaving…I even have a table top loom.

  • Needle felting

  • Needle Felting – I’ve seen such cute items made this way – would also like to go free form and make some UFO (unidentified felted objects) 🙂

  • Needle punch rug making for me!

  • I’m super excited to learn different carding techniques on a drum carder! I just got a new-to-me vintage beauty and I’m ready to learn. I hear there’s much more to it than one realizes!

  • One day I will learn to weave.

  • I’m curious about needle felting too!

  • Kumihimo

  • I would love to learn how to weave.

  • I would love to learn how to weave. Although it is definitely new to me, I find watching the process so soothing and familiar I must have done it in a past life LOL!

  • Which new-to-me needle art or fiber art would I most like to learn next? I would love to learn how to dye yarn…I’m sure it’s not difficult, but it’s a little freaky for me…I’d also like to learn to spin my yarn…all of it is so intriguing to me…

  • I’ve fought the impulse to learn Japanese embroidery. So far. Let’s just say I focus on a semester footing.

    Spring and summer semesters 2021: Find and indulge your inner mixed media artist. Fall semester 2021: Refresh your slow stitching and Chanin-style creations.
    Spring semester 2022: Advanced individual studies in knitting for sub-tropical climates. Supplies provided.

    What can I say, aquarians are fickle by nature.

  • Macrame 🙂

  • I’m attracted to spinning. Maybe one of these days I’ll give it a try!

  • I’d love to explore crochet and become really good at it! Welcome, Ashley…great job!

  • Brioche

  • Weaving looks like something I’d enjoy

  • Steeks!! I want to knit that wonderful sweater in one of your recent pattern books!!

  • Quilting. I’ve never quite made friends with my sewing machine, but would like to be able to say I’ve made a decent quilt.

  • Have always wanted to learn silk felting. My Brioche knitting is in need of professional intervention. Just think a knitting holiday, all from the comfort of home, ahhh. Much joy to the lucky winner, and a very warm welcome to Ashley.

  • Needle Felting….it compliments my secret desire to steek something.

  • I really want to learn colorwork. I’ve had a child fox hat pattern that I love and want to make for my grandson. Colorwork intimidates me.

  • I’d love to learn to spin not that my family thinks I need any more fiber related hobbies. Also weaving I’ve picked up a rigid heddle loom but have only done a couple of plain scarves.

  • Sashiko embroidery, mostly for decorative mending.

  • Tunisian Crochet

  • I’d love to learn Tunisian crochet

  • I’m in the crochet -beyond simple chain- camp.

  • I would like to learn mochilla technique.

  • wowee, so exciting! i would love to learn Brioche, how to make socks, and learn bead crochet bracelet.

  • Needle felting. Those adorable little critters!

  • It would be lovely to take a class on punch needle embroidery- I just haven’t been able to figure out how to keep everything from unraveling!!

  • Thanks for this entertaining peek inside. ☺️ I think I’d like to learn sashiko. In college, I made hand sewn throw pillows out of pieced quilt block patterns. I think it’d be fun to cover a traditional quilt block pillow with sashiko. Kind of a cross cultural mashup. 🙂

  • This was a hard one, as I realize that I do most of the needle &fiber arts already…but, it would probably be sewing clothes that I can wear in public!

  • Tunisian crochet and weaving are my want to learn crafts.

  • Spinning. I have the wheel, but have never learned how to use it.

  • Locker hooking. I did a small sampler project a few years ago and would like to plan and execute a bigger piece but can’t remember how to get started. Blimey!

  • Spinning. Definitely spinning. Can you learn spinning virtually? I think the spinning wheel I was given is working but …. I dunno

  • Oh there are so many crafts to learn, but two on the top of my list are crochet beyond a chain stitch and embroidery and even just bought a small canvas pillow cover on Etsy to try my hand.

  • Crochet. Not too exotic but I’m sadly lacking.

  • Brioche, I’ve been thinking about trying it for a while.

  • I want to improve my embroidery skills!

    And thanks for the idea to send people Amaryllises for the holidays! I just ordered several from your shop. I’m so happy!!!

  • Tunisian Crochet is top of my list.

  • Sashiko stitching

  • Crochet! I’m an ok knitter – just want another thing to do.

  • My stash of yarn is replicating itself and I have many projects on my list of things to do, BUT I’m so wanting to start in on needle felting. I have the goods, just need the inspiration. So far the only thing I’ve done is make little clouds to cover the moth holes in my wool Pendleton blanket that is about 40 years old. Turned out pretty well and I don’t mind the fluff.

  • I’d love to learn tunisian crochet or tatting!

  • Needle felting – I’d like to make my own little felted sheep.

  • I would like to learn tatting!

  • Weaving! I have far more fingering weight yarn than I’ll ever knit (true of all weights, to be honest) and I’d love to learn to make beautiful woven wonderfulness with it…and hope it would lead to lessening the stash a bit more quickly, too.

  • I would love to try spinning but the way my life is out of control right now- loopy loom potholders would probably be a saner choice!

  • I would like to learn how to embroider/embellish on my knitted accessories. Thank you!

  • brush lettering

  • embroidery

  • I would love to learn tatting or lace making. Brings back memories of my grandmother and Sunday School teacher…

  • I’d like to try needle felting!!

  • Sashiko….beautiful designs and practical mending!

  • I am working on my embroidery skills – for use in upcycling/recycling/fixing my sweater and/or socks.

  • Tatting. I never took advantage of the opportunity to learn from an extremely talented senior. One of my huge regrets.

  • I really want to learn to weave.

  • Ashley’s needle-felted tick (and Rose on the quilt) inspire me! I’d love to learn more about needle felting, and I’d also really love to expand on the Log Cabin blanket idea and learn more knitted quilting patterns.

  • Machine knitting for me.

  • Spinning

  • Needle felting! Have what I need to start out, just need some instruction…

  • I really want to learn how to spin- & I’m always happy to hear tips and tricks on stranded colorwork!

  • Weaving and rug hooking!

  • I would like to learn more about sock knitting.

  • Definitely weaving. But I’d also like to learn to read crochet patterns

  • I would like to learn more about crochet. In particular, fancy edging.

  • Needle punch is on the list, a lovely pillow perhaps?

  • I’m tempted to try tatting, if my eyesight can read the stitches?!

  • Brioche knitting

  • I have a loom that I’d like to learn to use.

  • Either Tunisian crochet or needle felting….but I know needle felting will just turn in to making endless cat toys for my spoiled girls!

  • I would love to learn how to spin yarn…. I’ve inherited a Louet from one of my clients. His hands are to old to handle the wheel.

  • There’s already the danger I know too many things to do with fiber, as I knit, spin, due and weave…one thing I haven’t tried yet is making a Christmas wreath out of balls wrapped with yarn. Maybe this year?

  • Needle felting. So many cute things can be made from it!

  • I’ve been wanting to do rug hooking for years, but for now it will have to take a back seat to patchwork and quilting which I am in the midst of learning. While I’m knitting, of course.

  • I have wanted to learn rug hooking for ages, but it will have to take a back seat to patchwork and quilting which I am in the midst of learning. While I’m knitting also, of course

  • Whoops! posted twice…sorry!

  • Spinning! You spin me right round, baby, right round!

  • Need to learn punch needle — I have a needle already so let’s get at it!

  • I’d like to try intarsia it intimidates me.

  • Needle felting.

  • Needlefleting in 3 D. Like a bowl or animal. By the way, I really enjoyed this article. You gave us a good snapshot of your hangouts.

  • I’d love to make tatted lace.

  • Double-knitting. And ergonomics for knitters.

  • If I could learn some patience, I would love to make beaded Kumihimo. Never start small………

  • Crochet. I wish I knew what I was doing and I wish I could follow a pattern. My attempt to learn probably got off track by trying different books and not realizing some were American and some were English books. Major confusion! I would also like to tat. My mother couldn’t explain tatting to me. It was so easy for her and I couldn’t get the right tension to make the proper knots. However, she did teach me knitting and weaving. I am grateful for that!

  • How to knit two mittens at once with magic loop method

  • I really wish I had room for a loom. I’d love to learn to weave!

  • I’d love to learn needle felting. I think I would love it. I would also like to really dig into sewing one day…

  • Having knit as long as I can remember, I keep promising myself I’m going to learn to crochet. It seems like there are so many more amazing crochet patterns now, than when I was younger…

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